Sunday, July 8, 2018

How To Take Care Of Umbilical Cord In New Born Babies ?

How To Take Care Of Umbilical Cord In New Born Babies ?

        Babies in the womb receives nutrition through umbilical cord. After your baby is born the umbilical cord is clamped and cut close to your baby’s body. It leaves an umbilical stump attached to the baby’s belly button.
          The stump will dry up and fall off in 1 to 2 weeks. It will take a little care and attention to prevent irritation and infection.

Taking care of the stump

          The stump will change from bluish white to black as it dries and eventually falls.

  • Keep the stump clean: If the stump becomes dirty or sticky clean with plain water and dry it by a clean cloth.
  • Keep the stump dry: Expose the stump to air as it help to dry out the base of the stump. Keep the diaper away from the stump. It will prevent contact with urine and also expose the stump to air.
  • Baby bath: Don’t bath baby in a tub or sink before the cord has fallen off. If your baby take bath make sure to dry it completely but don’t rub it dry as it could cause irritation.
  • Dress delicately: Choose loose fitting clothes that doesn’t press against the stump
  • Never pull off the stump: Resist the temptation to pull off the stump yourself as it could start bleeding.

Signs of umbilical cord infection

          Infections are rare, but be careful if

  •   Your baby cries when you touch the cord or skin next to it
  • Skin around the cord is red and swollen.
  • If there is any foul smell or pus discharge.
  •  Also call the doctor if the stump bleeds continuously.

Saturday, July 7, 2018

New Born baby Sleeping Pattern

Sleep of babies

            It is often hard for new parents to know how long and how often newborn should sleep.But there is no schedule at first.Many newborns sleep much of the day and night waking only for feedings.
             Typically newborns sleep up to 16 to 18 hrs a day.Most babies don’t sleep throughout night up to 3 months of age.They wake up in 2-4 hrs of sleep during the first few weeks.
             After 3 months most babies begin to sleep for shorter period during the day and longer period at night,though they wake up in night to feed.
              Between 4 and 6 months most babies sleep 8 to 12 hrs throughout night

Baby sleep tips up to 3 months

              As said earlier sleep can be tough in first few weeks.But with the below tips we can make schedule for sleep

  • Take a nap 

                        Get a nap for your baby in every 2 hrs,otherwise baby may have trouble in falling sleep if you wait longer .

  • Distinguish between day and night 
  •   During day   
  •  Keep interacting with baby
  •  Don’t worry about the normal noises during day time
  • During night
  •  Keep lights dim
  •  Keep the noise levels down
  •  Don’t play with baby when he wakes up during night
  Understand signs of sleep

  •   Rubbing eyes
  •  Yawning
  •  Fussy
These signs helps us to understand the baby is tired and it is the time for nap.
                    Swaddling helps baby from being disturbed by her own reflex and thus it calms baby.It also gives the baby a sense of security.

How can you help your baby fall asleep?

      Establishing a routine at bed time is a good idea.However it is merely impossible in the first 3 months. But after 3 months we can plan a schedule.
     By about  3 months put your baby to bed  when he feels tired but awake.It will help baby to learn how to fall asleep without you,also without rocking or nursing.Otherwise he will need the same attention when he wake up in the middle of night.

Sleeping position

Putting baby to sleep on his/her back is the safest position.

         A well rested baby is a happy baby.
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